My formal training includes:
- Bachelor’s degree in psychology, with honors at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1968
- Master’s degree in clinical psychology at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1970
- Doctorate degree in clinical psychology at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1972
- Clinical internship at the Psychological Clinic, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1970-1971
- Clinical internship at the Astor Home for Children, an American Psychological Association approved program, Rhinebeck, New York, 1971-1972
Awards include:
- National Science Foundation grant as an undergraduate; Clark University
- Psi Chi, National Honor Society for Psychology
- Nominated graduate student of the year, American Psychological Association
Publications include articles in the following journals:
- Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
- School Psychologist
- Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology
- Teaching of Psychology
- Psychological Reports
Presentations at professional association conventions:
- Greater Rochester Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- American Psychological Association
- Eastern Psychological Association
- Genesee Valley Psychological Association
- New York State Occupational Therapy Association
- New York State Cerebral Palsy Association
- American Association for Mental deficiency
Affiliations / Memberships include:
- American Psychological Association
- New York Psychological Association
- Genesee Valley Psychological Association
Hospital and medical school privileges include:
- Strong Memorial Hospital
- FF Thompson Hospital
- Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical School
Additional credentials include:
- New York State licensed psychologist since 1975
- Over 40 years of experience, the last 28 in full time private practice
- Former assistant professor and director or counseling service, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York
- Former chief psychologist, Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic
Consultation, diagnostic and treatment services with special populations:
- Learning disabled
- Mentally challenged
- Asperger’s and Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Adoption, children and parents